United Nations General Assembly


United Nations General Assembly


Grades 10-12 Advanced Committee
Combatting extremist organisations and armed groups in West Africa and the Sahel regions

In recent years, West Africa and the Sahel regions have witnessed an exponential surge in violent extremism and armed conflict, exacerbating issues such as poverty, population displacement, and food insecurity in the region. Violence perpetrated by extremist groups such as Boko Haram, Al-Qaeda, and the Islamic State have contributed to the rapidly deteriorating security landscape in the regions, destabilizing governments and causing widespread human suffering. Delegates in the UNGA at IISP MUN 2024 will address the threat posed by extremist organizations and other armed groups in West Africa and the Sahel regions, and discuss possible solutions to ensure future peace, stability, and development.

Aditya Pawar is a passionate and dedicated 18-year-old who finds excitement in moderating and participating in Model United Nations simulations. He is an active listener who equally enjoys voicing his opinions in any form of debate, speech, or just a general conversation about which type of yogurt is better – greek or full fat. Not only has he been a member of EB and a delegate, but he has also been a member of the organizing committee for multiple MUNs.

Soumya will attend the University of California, Davis, this fall as a biology major. Having attended MUNs since grade 6, her natural leadership, coupled with her persuasive and firm personality, make her a comforting presence in Model United Nations conferences. Last year, she was vice chair at the IISP MUN 2023, but has been a part of the IISP MUN family since 2022.

Committee Resources

At IISP MUN, we pride ourselves on providing delegates with thorough, well-researched background guides for their preparation. Watch this space for more!

UNGA Day 2: UNGA Passes Paper

Rishi Kamat October 15, 2022

In the MUN committee session of the UNGA on 15th October countries, Chile, Peru, Japan and Turkey formed a working paper to implement initiatives towards sustainable development in South America. They have 4 other countries discussing terms and solutions with them on the same. They include the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Argentina, Switzerland and Norway. The countries stated that they formed their bloc as they are deeply concerned about the […]

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UNGA Day 1: Alliances at UNGA

Rishi Kamat October 14, 2022

In the MUN committee session of the UNGA on 14th October the United Kingdom officially made an alliance with France, supposedly in the best interests of South America. This alliance includes multiple other countries like Turkey, USA, Switzerland, Cuba, India, Canada, South Africa, Portugal, and Italy. Despite their chequered past, dating to the Middle Ages, France and the UK have been allies several times in recent history, most notably World […]

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