United Nations Security Council


United Nations Security Council


Grades 10-12 Advanced Committee
Deliberating upon the South China sea conflict with special emphasis on economic disruptions

For the past decade or so, territorial claims in the South China Sea have been a dominant feature in international relations. Several countries in the region have at various points claimed dominion over the maritime and island regions, many of which are of significant strategic and geographical importance. This struggle for dominance in the region has seen several escalations in recent years, including tensions over Taiwan and the role it plays within the supply chain. Delegates in the UNSC at IISP MUN 2024 will attempt to de-escalate the ongoing conflict, and work towards an equitable solution for all countries involved.

To be announced soon!

Armaan is the vice-chair for the upcoming MUN conference, bringing experience and dedication to the role. Over the past three years, Armaan has participated in over 15 MUN conferences, serving as both a delegate and a chair. He has consistently demonstrated exceptional skills, winning multiple awards, and has even represented their delegation at the prestigious THIMUN conference in The Hague.

Committee Resources

At IISP MUN, we pride ourselves on providing delegates with thorough, well-researched background guides for their preparation. Watch this space for more!

UNSC Day 2: Ukraine-Russia Ally to Form Shocking Draft Resolution

Mihir Raddi October 15, 2022

Ukraine and Russia came to a surprising agreement in the United Nations Security Council, as the delegates of the two nations were co-authors of a draft resolution. The adoption of such a resolution could bring an end to the 8-month long war between the two nations, which began when Russia sent troops into Ukraine in a “special military operation”. The alliance was reached after several committee sessions in which the […]

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UNSC Day 1: Zelenskyy Meets With Taliban Leader

Mihir Raddi October 14, 2022

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) was thrown into chaos as details emerged of a meeting between the President of Ukraine and an as-yet-unidentified important official from the Taliban government. The video, which is sourced from an anonymous and unverified entity, depicts Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy shaking hands with 4 men who appear to be Taliban officials. The words, “we respect this partnership,” can be heard. The UNSC, which had […]

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