Press Corps

IISP MUN 2024 Press

Press Corps


Grades 8-12 Advanced Committee
Reporting on the events of committees in IISP MUN 2024

Freedom of the press is an important marker of a free, democratic society, and remains a way in which different viewpoints can survive and thrive in a constantly shifting world. Delegates in the IISP MUN Press Corps will act as journalists to report on the daily events of the various committee sessions through the lens of various news organizations from around the world. They will bring to life the biases and prejudices in play in the world of media, and attempt to realistically simulate the influences we are exposed to everyday when consuming information.

Ananya Ganesh is the President of IISP MUN 2024, and has been a member of the Secretariat since IISP MUN’s inception. Her responsibilities include managing the research and writing departments, overseeing the Press Corps, IISP MUN’s social media, and substantive. Through her leadership, IISP MUN was able to successfully launch its comprehensive magazine, Omnis, and newspaper, Athene.

To be announced soon!

Committee Resources

At IISP MUN, we pride ourselves on providing delegates with thorough, well-researched background guides for their preparation. Watch this space for more!