The International Atomic Energy Agency at IISP MUN will address the environmental, economic, and military impacts of modern advances in nuclear energy usage. By examining the risks and benefits associated with nuclear power, as well as the potential implications for future science and warfare, delegates will explore modern deelopments in nuclear energy, its potential uses for the future, as well as the implications of widespread usage—including the creation of waste, and potential mass destruction, in order to improve existing safety measures, and establish ways forward in order to make sustainable advancements in the field.
“War has brought inflation even to the graveyard”
The quote has an interesting dimension: Manto explains how the problems of the world can never be neatly divided into economic (inflation), political (war), and personal (death). They almost always collide against each other and create newer and more unique problems. How then, do we even begin thinking about these issues, let alone solving them? The IAEA committee is a good start.
I encourage you all to enlist your arsenal of legal terminology, rhetorical tools, and research methods to the best of your capabilities. This committee will bend your perceptions of geopolitics by making you step into the shoes of another country, and by extension, another identity, forcing you to break away from preconceived notions about the world.
Appreciating the committee rests not in the struggle to win an award but in walking away from the conference with a sense of hope and resolve in the face of a cynical and harsh world. The connections you will make collaboration and leadership skills you will gain will be truly invaluable.
I am Sumedh Jadhav, and I’m thrilled to serve as your Chair for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at the second edition of the Indus International School Pune MUN. I am excited to see you all at the conference, remember to do yourself (and the world around you) justice, and good luck!
Sumedh Jadhav
International Atomic Energy Committee
At IISP MUN, we pride ourselves on providing delegates with thorough, well-researched background guides for their preparation. Watch this space for more!