ECOSOC Day 1: Smart Alliances Formed at ECOSOC

Ikra Rathod October 14, 2022

ECOSOC Day 1: Smart Alliances Formed at ECOSOC

The Economic and Social Council of UN brings people together to promote a sustainable market in relation to an economic stability. With the main purpose to achieve global cooperation in solving international problems and to encourage respect for human rights the ECOSOC committee started the session on a very formal note.

Forty delegates representing 40 different countries voice their stance in respect to their countries economic and environmental sustainability measures. The first exchange among the delegates resulted in several different alliances being formed.

The delegate of Qatar effectively made alliances with Russia, Germany, Egypt, Sudan, Australia, and Norway in the first ten minutes of the exchange. The delegate of Qatar aimed to provide its allies with oil which allowed them to achieve economic growth in return for guidance in achieving sustainable measures and social exposure. Russia proposed to offer land in return for food, oil, and environmentally sustainable resources. This resulted in Qatar forming its strongest alliance with Russia.

Qatar and Russia admitted to sharing a secure common viewpoint of achieving environmental sustainability. The exchange was then followed by the first unmoderated caucus which witnessed a second major alliance that formed between Germany and USA. Both nations agreed to form a draft of resolution together which they hope to expand in the future by introducing it to their common allies.

The delegates of Germany and USA believe that they think alike and hence can support one another in order to achieve a strong economic stability. With the USA offering financial aid to Germany in return for environmentally sustainable resources. Germany aims make use of the funds to better their transport services and manufacturing. Likewise, USA aims to combine the environmentally sustainable resources with their major manufacturing products.

Later the first moderated caucus was raised by Germany; To switch to renewable sources for decarbonization. Delegate of Philippines, Kenya, Iceland, Australia, UAE, Italy, Singapore, USA, and Sudan all spoke on their country’s stance in relation to the mod of topic. The delegate of Australia had the strongest stand. As the top mining nation and leading producer of iron and lead, Australia strongly urged that switching to renewable resources will be beneficial, both economically and environmentally.

Australia is looking forward to securing help from other nations in order to achieve its aim. The second motion was raised by Norway; Production of goods with environmental stability impacting economic stability. Delegate of Turkey, Australia, Morocco, Iceland, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, and USA spoke in regard to the mod of topic. As a reply to the delegate of Australia, Indonesia raised an impactful question, saying, “other than mining, [are] there any other sustainable resources and measures that Australia takes?’ As the second session continued to proceed, the delegates were found engaging themselves even more by raising points of inquiry addressed to one another. As events unfold, the outcome of the ECOSOC remains ambiguous, and more will be revealed as sessions take place.

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